Why ARCAD on IBM i ?
How to future-proof your IBM i applications
IBM i in an open world
Thanks to its uniquely low cost-of-ownership (a so-called “self-administrated” platform), and its reputation for reliability and security, IBM i applications are exceptionally long-lived and still business-critical today.
Yet software development on IBM i has remained relatively confined – relying on specific technology skills that are now rare in the market.
Running your business on IBM i? Reduce risk by modernizing your applications and unifying your software development tooling across ALL technologies in your information system, including IBM i. By adopting industry standards, you tap into new developer communities and secure the evolution of your core applications into the future.
Open strategy to DevOps tools
Proprietary and platform-specific vendor change management tools can no longer keep up and the IBM i community is moving decisively towards industry standards and open source.
Enterprise tools such as Git, Jenkins and Jira have started to take hold. But to work on IBM i, they require specific technology to manage its many language and database variants, such as RPG and DB2.
ARCAD brings this IBM i technology layer into any enterprise pipeline. Plug ARCAD modules into your existing toolchain to achieve end-to-end DevSecOps automation across all your platforms, including IBM i.

ARCAD for DevOps: a complete DevOps platform for IBM i
ARCAD for DevOps is an integrated, modular solution automating the seven stages in the lifecycle of an application – analysis, develop, check, build, unit test, regression test and deploy.

A shared metadata repository ensures that IT staff remain synchronized with each other throughout the process.
Whatever your choice of version control tool, ARCAD for DevOps offers a complete, end-to-end solution for modern application delivery on IBM i, using automation and continuous user feedback to reduce IT cost, eliminate risk and accelerate value delivery on IBM i.
- Application Analysis and retro-documentation (ARCAD Observer)
- Version control using Git, from RDi or 5250 (ARCAD Skipper)
- Common source code repository for all target platforms (Git, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc.)
- Code quality and security check (ARCAD CodeChecker)
- “Smart” dependency build (ARCAD Builder)
- Unit test automation (ARCAD iUnit)
- Regression test automation (ARCAD Verifier)
- Release Management – across IBM i, UNIX, Linux, Windows (DROPS)
ARCAD for IBM i Modernization: Leverage the value
of your IBM i application assets
Thanks to their unequalled reliability and custom developed features, applications developed in-house on IBM i represent a significant business asset and a source of competitive advantage.
Use ARCAD for IBM i Modernization to automate the transformation of your legacy IBM i application into a modern 3-tier architecture, through a step-by-step modernization of source code, database and UI:
• Convert your RPG source code or Synon 4GL to the modern Free Format syntax
• Convert your DDS to DDL (SQL) for a true relational database on IBM i
• Replace your 5250 “green screens” by modern web and mobile interfaces
• Develop Webservices over key areas of code
• Expand the size of fields and working fields

DevOps and Modernization on IBM i
No one size fits all. Each IBM i customer starts their modernization journey from a different place, with their own specific requirements and constraints. ARCAD solutions for IBM i Modernization and DevOps are integrated and modular, so customers can work at their own pace, adding modules when they are needed with no risk of destabilizing the system.

[ARCAD Modernization as a Service]

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