IBM Rational Developer for i
Integrated Development Environment
for IBM i (aka AS/400 or AS400)
Integrated, Graphical and More Functional Alternative to SEU, SDA and PDM
IBM® Rational® Developer for i (RDi) is an integrated development environment (IDE) built on the open-source Eclipse platform. It provides a more integrated, graphical and functionally rich alternative to traditional green-screen SEU(1) , SDA(2) and PDM(3) tools. Unlike traditional tools, RDi enables developers to work on-line (in the office) or off-line (away from the office). RDi is easier to customize and easier to integrate with third-party developer tools. Many ARCAD tools contain plugins which allow developers to access them directly from RDi at key points making for a seamless integration.
(1) SEU – Source Entry Utility – Traditional green-screen source code editor. (2) SDA – Screen Design Aid – Traditional green-screen, screen designer. (3) PDM – Programming Development Manager – Traditional green-screen tool which lets developers use shortcuts and perform repeated tasks.
Productivity, Agility, Efficiency
RDi has three key advantages over traditional tools:
- Increased productivity —Developers can change code and screen designs faster than with traditional green-screen tools because there are many new features and capabilities which save developers time. RDi is also more customizable than traditional tools hence developers can set up their environments in ways that work best for them, this also saves time.
- Increased agility— RDi integration with ARCAD developer tools means that powerful functions within ARCAD tools essential to day-to-day development can be launched directly from RDi. This avoids repetitively backing up or opening additional windows and re-entering parameters before moving forward again. This saves lots of time and increases agility.
- Increased team efficiency— RDi is integrated with IBM Rational Team Concert™ which enables better planning and management of the full application lifecycle process.

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