Picto Transformer Field


ARCAD Transformer Field

Change IBM i field sizes and types with confidence

IBM i Modernization Solution

WITH ARCAD TRANSFORMER FIELD Your source code adapts automatically after field size or type changes

Save Time & Money

» Over 75% savings in terms of effort & productivity

Prevent manual errors

» This kind of project is error-prone, guard against manual error

Reduce the risk of change

» by guaranteeing the integrity and completeness of the transformation

DB Structure change

» Automate mass transformations after a database structure change


» Version management with parallel versioning daily

Let’s automate mass source code transformation with ARCAD TRANSFORMER FIELD

ARCAD-Transformer Field Datasheet

ARCAD Transformer Field Features

ARCAD offers a powerful option for impact analysis and mass source code transformation for IBM i applications. During software maintenance, modifications like field size expansion or field type change usually have a high impact on the related source code, requiring painstaking updates to the code manipulating that field. ARCAD Transformer Field automates the mass transformation of sources, identifying the source lines impacted by a field change and saving valuable developer time.

Download this datasheet to learn more about ARCAD Transformer Field and discover the benefits of its mass automation on the source code and RPG database.

  • Over 75% savings in terms of effort & productivity
  • Reduced risk of error and regression
  • Significantly reduced project cost

Download the Datasheet

Quote product

Using ARCAD to transform our application, we have been able to reduce a 450 man day development project down to only 80 days using a single developer, freeing other developers to work on value-add projects. And after transferring the application to production, we discovered only one single software defect, which were able to fix, re-test and re-deploy within minutes. ARCAD has proved a major asset for the sustainability of our institution

Jeremie MestralettiJérémie Mestraletti, Head of research at IPECA


General Information

ARCAD Transformer Field is a tool-assisted refactoring service designed for database structure changes. It automates 50 to 90% of the process by covering impact analysis, source code modifications, compilation, test deliveries, regression testing, and production deployment. 

 The service is centered on the ARCAD Transformer Field solution utilizes the metadata dictionary and automated processes of ARCAD for DevOps, in addition to ARCAD Verifier for automated regression testing. It is further enhanced by the expertise of ARCAD consultants, who are proficient in using ARCAD tools and managing such projects.

The service is designed to simplify database structure changes, specifically:

  • Expanding the size of a field.
  • Removing a field.
  • Adding a field related to an existing one.
  • Changing the type of a field.

Yes, the basic offer includes impact analysis and source code modifications, but it is adjustable based on client needs.

A preliminary audit helps assess the client’s specific context and refine both content and budget accordingly. 

Database restructuring projects demand specialized expertise across various solutions. The primary objective is to minimize costs by eliminating lengthy training periods, which could negatively affect the return on investment. Furthermore, due to the infrequent nature of these projects, clients may find it challenging to leverage past experiences from one project to the next. 

The concept is grounded in data lineage principles. 

By beginning with the database field that needs modification and utilizing the comprehensive metadata dictionary of ARCAD for DevOps, the entire data lifecycle can be tracked. This involves identifying all application components that interact with the raw data and any related data. The modification is then automatically propagated to all affected programs and data. 

Once the lifecycle is validated, automation takes over, updating 50 to 95% of the impacted components. 

The process is simpler for clients already using ARCAD for DevOps, but it is not a requirement. 

The service assists with refactoring projects, but client involvement is essential for success. Functional expertise must come from the client. 

For example, extending a “price” field could, through propagation, affect all billing-related fields, which may or may not be relevant depending on the context. 

The impact varies depending on the field type and the restructuring method (expansion, type change). However, productivity gains often exceed 70%. 

Automating impact analysis, modification processes, compilation, testing, regression testing, and production deployment significantly reduces human errors and oversights. Additionally, it allows developers to concentrate on high-value tasks. 

The project is a collaboration between the client’s internal teams and ARCAD consultants. It runs on the client’s machine. 

Technical Aspects

The process requires loading and maintaining the ARCAD metadata dictionary, which centralizes cross-references and manages modification propagation. The quality of results depends directly on how well this dictionary is populated. 

The solution supports DDS files and DDL tables. Under certain conditions, and with additional effort, it can also handle flat files from S/36 environments. 

All programming types (CLP, RPG, CBL, DDS) except obsolete technologies (RPT, RPG II), some utilities (DFU, QRY), and programs generated by CASE tools (Adelia, Synon, etc.). 

The coverage rate and automation level depend on application architecture and technical debt. A preliminary audit evaluates the client’s specific context. 

Yes, the project can be split into multiple batches, delivered successively. 

Yes, the iterative process allows controlled propagation, defining which database fields and programs are affected. Clients can review and validate proposed program modifications.

The refactoring process incorporates several validation steps, including regression testing. This is managed using ARCAD’s automated regression testing solution, ARCAD Verifier, ensuring that any changes made during modernization do not negatively impact existing functionality. 

Yes, the iterative approach allows integration of parallel changes. 

The project can optionally include production deployment. This fully automated process is managed by ARCAD for DevOps

The tooling generates conversion program templates for all affected files/tables. These programs must be adjusted by the project team and are automatically executed during test or production deployments. 

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