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ARCAD Resource Center

Product literature, white papers, customer case studies, and more

Logo ARCAD Transformer Microservices

ARCAD Transformer Microservices

Open your IBM i to Modern UI Technologies, transform your business rules into standard RESTful Web services.

ARCAD for Devops Datasheet

ARCAD for DevOps

Pack more value into each IBM i application release! Integrating Git, Jenkins & Jira, ARCAD for DevOps accelerates delivery & reduces risk.

Datasheet Application Healthcheck

IBM i Application Healthcheck Datasheet

Software service - Powered by ARCAD Software

DevOps for IBM i - ARCAD and HCL

Devops for IBM i from ARCAD and HCL

Devops for IBM i from ARCAD and HCL : unique solution for automated Build, Test & Deployment of IBM i applications.

ARCAD API Datasheet


Connect your IBM i business systems to other applications and devices Generate Web services quickly and easily, from any native 5250 interface.

Datasheet ARCAD iUnit


Your unit testing is tedious or incomplete? Automate with ARCAD iUnit !

Arcad MaaS datasheet

Modernization as a Service

Unlock the business value in your Synon (CA 2E) application. Transform 4GL Synon code to modern Free Form RPG & SQL, automatically!

ARCAD Observer Datasheet

ARCAD Observer

Understand your IBM i application in a snap! Cross-platform graphical Application Analysis, step 1 in any modernization or maintenance project.

ARCAD Verifier datasheet

ARCAD Verifier

Data-oriented Test Automation for IBM i. ARCAD Verifier isolates defects as they arise, deep in your data - for interactive, batch & Webservices.

ARCAD Transformer RPG Datasheet

ARCAD Transformer RPG aka ARCAD RPG Converter for IBM i

Prepare your RPG code for the new generation – convert legacy RPGLE to RPG Free, automatically.

ARCAD CodeChecker Datasheet

ARCAD CodeChecker

Continuous Quality checking for RPG source code! ARCAD CodeChecker detects quality violations & security vulnerabilities - automatically.

DROPS - Application Release Automation Solution Datasheet


Application Release Orchestration for software & data, multi-technology and multi-cloud – across IBM i, Windows, UNIX and Linux.

ARCAD Builder Datasheet

ARCAD Builder

Optimizing your DevOps cycle on IBM i? ARCAD Builder 100% automates an optimized "smart" dependency build!

ARCAD Transformer DB Datasheet

ARCAD Transformer DB

Download this Datasheet to learn more about ARCAD Transformer DB

ARCAD Audit Datasheet


Download this Datasheet to learn more about ARCAD Audit

DROPS Datachanger Datasheet

DROPS Datachanger

Download this Datasheet to learn more about DROPS Datachanger

ARCAD TRansformer Field Datasheet

ARCAD Transformer Field

Download this Datasheet to learn more about ARCAD Transformer Field

Skytap Datasheet

Skytap Datasheet – DevOps for IBM i in the Cloud

Modernize, Build, Test and Deploy IBM i Applications in the Cloud.

ARCAD Integrater Datasheet

DROPS Integrator

Download this Datasheet to learn more about DROPS Integrator.

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