ARCAD Skipper Picto


ARCAD Skipper

Manage IBM i source with tools like Git

Regression Testing with Verifier

WITH ARCAD SKIPPER Gain all the advantages of Git in your familiar development environment on IBM i

Simplify the versioning

» by sharing a common source repository across your IBM i and distributed systems

Classic or distributed

» Choose between classic version control for IBM i or access the power of Git from your traditional IBM i IDE

Flexible branching

» Optimize IBM i application release management using various Git branching models

WITH ARCAD SKIPPERAll the power of Git.From an IBM i-friendly interface.

  • Define the scope and the priority of maintenance tasks
  • Group maintenance reports by version for greater control
  • Allows shared source to be merged easily. Simplifies the management of multi-developer environments with simultaneous modifications on a source member.
  • Check and ensure the consistency of components and their quality
  • Save time by accessing ARCAD Skipper directly from RDi and VS Code
  • Update structure directly from the database relationship diagram
  • Control who can change which source and when
  • Share the same component between developers
  • Incorporate changes from an external source, for greater flexibility in multi-system environments

Start managing your IBM i source code with ARCAD SKIPPER

Quote product

With ARCAD for DevOps, we have automated an enterprise-grade CI/CD pipeline for RPG based on Git and Jenkins and massively improved our responsiveness to user demands.

Elliot Avison CEO at DanceraceElliot Avison, Dancerace CEO

ARCAD is a product we can grow with. The solutions are continually evolving, and their partnership with IBM means that we can stay at the leading edge of technology.

Sebastian Vestberg, Application Manager, Crosskey

With ARCAD, our team have found a vendor that best meets our requirements and with whom we can successfully realize our DevOps goals. ARCAD enables both our experienced developers and newly-hired development talents to work together more efficiently and effectively

Ralph Eduard Zenger RhenagRalph-Eduard Zenger, Head of Application Architecture at Rhenag
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