IBM i Modernization Product Illustration

ARCAD Modernization as a Service (MaaS)

Secure ‘full stack’ modernization of your IBM i (aka AS/400 or AS400) application

Let us handle your Modernization project!

Achieve your modernization goals swiftly and effortlessly with our Experts.
Boost code reliability and maintainability, reducing risk and costs!

Tailor-Made Modernization

Customized services are provided by ARCAD Software or specialized partners

Automated Transformation

Source code, database, and UI modernization are automated

Optimized DevOps Workflow

Get a high-quality software reliably delivered

Integrated Test Automation

Your modernized application is assured against regression

With ARCAD MaaS,

Let’s modernize with ARCAD MaaS!

Automate all or any Conversions

  • Database Modernization

» Transition to a fully relational database on IBM i by converting DDS files to DDL (SQL) tables and views

  • Source Code Modernization

» Update RPGLE code to modern Free Format RPG for easier readability and maintainability

  • UI Modernization

» Enhance IBM i applications with modern Web and mobile interfaces

  • CA 2E (Synon) Exit

» Migrate from Synon to Free Format RPG, converting 100% of Synon 4GL code

Arcad MaaS datasheet

ARCAD Maas Features

Instead of risking a migration to another platform, more IBM i customers are opting to modernize their existing applications. ARCAD Software offers a complete transformation «as a service» to convert Synon CA 2E code into modern Free Form RPG and SQL, using ARCAD’s own modernization tools.

Download the datasheet and discover the many benefits of ARCAD Modernization as a Service.

  • Conversion from Synon CA 2E to Free Form ILE RPG

  • Conversion of DDS database to DDL

  • UI Modernization

Download the Datasheet

Customer References

Orange saved 35% in application maintenance

  • Business critical application: billing system for mobile phones​
  • Project duration: 30 months​
  • Reduced code volume: ​
    • Before: 20 Million of lines (10,000 programs) ​
    • After modernization: 10 millions (55,000 pgms/procedures)​
  • Complete standard CI/CD pipeline (GitLab, Jira, ARCAD, DROPS)​
  • Coaching on skills transfer on the DevOps toolchain + RPG Free Form​
Dutel MaaS Case Study

Dutel saves 30% in application maintenance

Dutel automatically converted their Synon applications to RPG free using ARCAD Modernization as a Service.

Success Story GEODIS MaaS

GEODIS capitalizes on custom code and resolves IBM i skill shortage

To minimize risk and avoid delays, GEODIS opted for ARCAD’s Modernization as a Service (MaaS).