DevSecOps for IBM i Solution

DevSecOps for IBM i (aka AS/400 or AS400)

Secure faster delivery of higher quality software

Infuse quality and security checks into your continuous delivery cycle

DevSecOps: Security and Business Risk in the age of Cloud

Digital transformation and cloud adoption have made software the primary source of business risk. Complex application architectures increase attack surfaces, and new computing paradigms often lack security as a priority. While DevOps brings efficiency to software delivery, accelerated cycles can overlook security flaws, leading to dormant vulnerabilities. DevOps also changes security management, with continuous concerns and shared responsibility across teams. In response, security shifts left into software creation, becoming integral to DevOps as DevSecOps.

DevSecOps and automation

In successful DevSecOps, automation is key. Human error is a common cause of security breaches, with manual processes leaving coding flaws and vulnerabilities undetected. To minimize risk, each phase in the DevSecOps cycle should be automated and continuous, shifting security left and preventing rework.

ARCAD for DevOps schema

But IBM i is inherently secure – isn’t DevOps enough?

While IBM i boasts strong built-in security, the need for DevSecOps arises as applications modernize and integrate with external sources. Legacy code exposed as Web services poses new risks like SQL injection and unsafe APIs. DevSecOps teams use static code analysis to mitigate these threats, applying OWASP quality control rules. Additionally, automated data anonymization techniques are essential to address insider threats, which account for a significant portion of data breaches.

Security compliance: the importance of integration

DevOps implementations often rely on disparate, non-integrated tools, making it difficult to measure quality and security levels. To achieve compliance in hybrid environments, DevSecOps teams require a holistic view of security across multiple technologies and platforms. This necessitates an integrated toolset with a shared repository for centralized reporting and control.

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ARCAD for DevOps

All the tools needed for DevOps on IBM i

Automate DevSecOps on IBM i

  • Dashboards
    Gain actionable security insights across the entire application lifecycle

  • Application analysis
    Ensure completeness of changes and reduce technical debt

  • Code quality checking
    Detect complexity hotspots and unsafe code constructs

  • Code security checking
    Scan source code for security vulnerabilities

  • Regression testing
    Safeguard application reliability with a secure ‘quality gate’

  • Test data anonymization
    Conceal personal or identifying data

  • Deployment automation
    Automate a repeatable deployment process and audit trail

  • Rollback on error
    Restore a stable system state instantly in case of incident

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